What is a good starter plant and advice for a newbie who wants a little more flora in their life?

Crassula ovata. The jade plant. It is a fun little plant that does best with a lot of sunlight and the occasional watering. It will even put out flowers under the right conditions. I have a few jade plants that have been with me 15ish years. Additionally, they are extremely easy to propagate. Just pull off a leaf or cut a stem and put it on dry soil. In a few weeks you might see the start of a new plant. A few pointers: 1. Don’t water too often, but water thoroughly. I usually water mine about once a week because they are in shallow pots. If they were in a normal flower pot I might cut this down to once every two or three weeks. 2. Don't be afraid to prune. They will actually grow much faster with occasional pruning and weak fertilizer. 3. Pay attention to it. This sounds simple, but if it isn't doing well, catch it early. Try moving it to a spot with different lighting or away from a vent.

While there are easier plants you could get, I still have fun with mine after all this time.


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